avrex Terms of Service

Last modified: November 13, 2023

This document, referred to as the "Agreement," delineates the terms and conditions governing your access to and utilization of the products offered by Avrex Investment LLC ("Avrex," "we," "our," or "us"). The products encompass various offerings, including but not limited to the website-hosted user interface available at https://www.avrex.io, referred to as the "Interface" or "App." It is imperative that you carefully review this Agreement as it regulates your usage of our products. By accessing or using any of our products, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and consented to abide by this Agreement in its entirety. If you disagree with any aspect of this Agreement, you are not permitted to access or use our products.

To utilize any of our products, you must have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. By accessing our products, you assert that you have attained at least the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction (e.g., 18 years old in the United States) and possess the full authority to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, whether on your own behalf or on behalf of any company or legal entity accessing or using the Interface. If you are representing an entity, you confirm that you are authorized to bind said entity.

Furthermore, you confirm that you are not: (a) subject to economic or trade sanctions imposed by any governmental authority or listed on any prohibited or restricted parties roster (including but not limited to the Office of Foreign Assets Control list maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury); or (b) a citizen, resident, or organized entity in a jurisdiction subject to comprehensive economic sanctions by the United States. Additionally, you assert that your utilization of our products will fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations and that you will refrain from engaging in any illegal activities through our products.

Important Notice: This Agreement includes significant provisions, such as a binding arbitration clause and a waiver of class action rights, both of which affect the manner in which disputes are resolved. Access to and usage of our products are exclusively available to individuals who fully concur with these terms.

1. Our Products

1.1 The Interface

The Interface offers a web or mobile-based gateway to a decentralized protocol operating on various public blockchains, facilitating the trading of compatible digital assets (referred to as the "Avrex protocol" or the "Protocol").

It's essential to discern that the Interface is separate from the Protocol and serves as one, though not the exclusive, means of interacting with the Protocol. Presently, the Protocol exists in a single version, denoted as v1, comprising open-source or source-available self-executing smart contracts deployed on diverse public blockchains. Avrex does not manage or oversee any version of the Protocol across blockchain networks. By utilizing the Interface,

you acknowledge that transactions involving digital assets do not occur with Avrex, and we do not control liquidity pools on the Protocol or execute trades on its behalf. Fees paid by traders accrue to liquidity providers for the Protocol and to Avrex, with Avrex fees only applicable when using the Avrex platform to initiate orders. However, users can execute peer-to-peer trades off-platform or directly interact with smart contracts without incurring Avrex fees. Avrex typically does not function as a liquidity provider in Protocol liquidity pools, and liquidity providers operate independently. While initially deployed on the Algorand blockchain, the Protocol has been deployed on several other blockchains, often using cross-chain bridges to transfer assets between networks.

To access the Interface, you must use non-custodial wallet software enabling interaction with public blockchains. Your relationship with the non-custodial wallet provider is governed by their respective terms of service, along with this Agreement concerning Avrex. Avrex does not have custody or control over the contents of your wallet and cannot access or transfer its contents. By linking your wallet to our Interface, you agree to be bound by this Agreement and all its incorporated terms.

1.2 Other Products

We reserve the right to introduce additional products in the future, which shall be deemed as part of our product offerings, regardless of whether explicitly defined in this Agreement.

2. Third-Party Services and Content

When using our products, you may also interact with products, services, or content provided by third parties. Your use of such third-party offerings may be subject to separate policies, terms of use, and fees, for which you assume responsibility.

3.Modifications to this Agreement or our Products

3.1 Modifications to this Agreement

We retain the discretion to amend this Agreement periodically. Material modifications will be notified by updating the Agreement's date and maintaining a current version on our website. Your continued access or use of our products constitutes acceptance of such modifications.

3.2 Modifications to our Products

We reserve the right to modify, substitute, eliminate, or add to any of our products at our discretion. Additionally, we may review, modify, filter, disable, delete, or remove any content or information from our products.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

4.1 General Intellectual Property Rights

We hold all intellectual property rights in our products and their contents, including software, text, images, trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive license to access and utilize our products.
