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If you're new to Avrex or looking to invest in real estate, this guide will help you learn more about the platform and its features.

Who legally has ownership of these properties?
The property is legally owned by a Trust registered with the Government (DAO) for the investors who are investing to buy the tokens. The Trust is established to be the legal owner of the assets, however it is required to simply represent the investors as direct co-owners of the property. Acquiring tokens in a Avrex property equates to purchasing a membership interest in the respective DAO LLC that holds the property. For example, if you purchase 1% of the tokens in a single home offering, you would then be entitled to 1% of the economic interests of the asset over time, which may include income from rent or property value appreciation.
Can I invest in multiple properties?
Yes, you can invest in multiple properties on the Avrex platform.
What is the maximum number of tokens I can purchase in each property?
For each property, the maximum number of tokens each investor can own is 15%. You can own up to 15% of a property or 100% of the property. This limit is in place for Governance reasons in order to ensure a fair voting system.
What does it take to list a property with Avrex?
To list a property, you need to submit the property information via our support team, we will conduct some due diligence. After gathering all necessary information and completing the legal requirements, the tokenization company will tokenize your property. This typically involves creating digital tokens that represent ownership stakes in the property. Once the property is tokenized, we will list the property on our platform and market it to potential investors.
Can I list my own property with Avrex?
Yes, you can.
How do I earn?
You receive revenue from the property's cash flow as rental income weekly. You also profit from the property's appreciation in value over time.
How Often Do I Receive rent?
You receive rent weekly and can withdraw at any time. You can track rent and withdraw your dividends from your Avrex dashboard.
How are repairs handled?
Each property has an Operating Reserve which is used for repairs. The Operating Reserve balance is equal to approximately 5% of the property purchase price. Repairs are handled either by the professional Property Manager's in-house vendors or by local contractors in the area hired by the Property Manager. All urgent repairs will be taken care of immediately, and any non-urgent repairs requested by the resident will be put up for a Governance Vote. The owners of that property can then vote on whether they'd prefer the repair to be taken care of or not.
How do I know I own a fraction of the property?
When you invest in a property, you’ll receive an agreement and documents showing your ownership stake in the property and you will be added to the community and have the ability to engage in the property governance
Who can invest?
Permanent residents of whitelisted countries over 18 years old can open an investor account on our platform. If you are from a sanctioned country, you will not be able to purchase tokens due to restrictions by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). Sanctioned countries include Balkans, Belarus, Burma, Côte D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
How can I invest in real estate with Avrex?
You can invest in tokenized real estate by buying tokens that represent fractional digital ownership of a particular property or portfolio. In order to do that, you have to register on our platform, pass the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure and complete your investor profile. Then, select the offering you like and invest.
How does the Avrex Marketplace work?
Avrex is not a fund. We do not purchase properties, flip them, and then sell them on our website. Instead, we are a marketplace like Airbnb, eBay, or Amazon. The Avrex marketplace consists of buyers (token holders) and sellers (people who want to sell their properties). These sellers have years of experience rehabbing and selling turnkey properties with a great track record.